Case.Pad™ is a “realtime transcription” browser. It may be used to preview testimony as it is being given.
A realtime browser may be used by an attorney, a judge, a paralegal, or a physically challenged person to view and maintain a record of the proceeding.
Case.Pad offers the physically challenged the opportunity to have an “equal access” to the record. A judge may use Case.Pad to review any portion of the realtime testimony or a portion of other records to rule on objections. An attorney may use Case.Pad to view the testimony in realtime mode, or use Case.Pad’s case management functions to research and review earlier testimony.
The instant review features may prove to be instrumental in identifying discrepancies in testimony, and it empowers the attorney to impeach a witness.
The advanced realtime features of Case.Pad allow the user to place private bookmarks and issue codes in their copy of the transcript. Case.Pad reporter enables the user to produce a summary report of a transcript or group of transcripts in a case.
Case.Pad is available only with realtime transcription products (steno or voice court reporters).
Here are some of the features that you will find in Case.Pad:
- Automatic synchronization with the court reporter. This feature enables the court reporter to upload the changes they make to the record into Denoto. This process improves the accuracy of the record.
- Single key bookmarks and issue codes.
- User definable issue codes.
- Connection to the realtime transcription system via a serial port or over a TCP network.
- Export the record to your favorite word processor using RTF protocol Synchronized page/line number with court reporter.
- Insert objects into a document (i.e. pictures, audio, etc.).
- Word index (concordance) report.
- Annotation feature allows the end user to add personal notes to a document.
- Pop-up annotation window allows the user to quickly review the personal notes.
- User selectable zoom settings improve the screen appearance.
- Email and Internet browser shortcuts.
- Review multiple documents simultaneously.
- Search and review features.